How to Meditate for Beginners Youtube: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Meditate for Beginners Youtube: A Comprehensive Guide

The practice of meditation dates back centuries and has been practiced by many cultures both Eastern and Western, for its immense benefits on the body and mind. Many people are adopting to meditation nowadays to maintain inner peace and well being in present competitive world with full of hustle, tension & stresses. For beginners who have never meditated before, you may not know how or where to start. Good for you that YouTube has many resources to keep reading In this post, I will help you in step by step how to meditate for beginners YouTube with some tips and channels that will help you go through your meditation journey.

Understanding Meditation

Understanding What Meditation Is Before We Get Into Hands On Meditating Meditation is training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. The point is not to think that we cannot think, or to exhause the mind of thoughts – but simply put the possibility to watch them judgement-less.

Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation are endless.

Reduces Stress – The regular practice of meditation lowers your stress levels and alleviates the symptoms of anxiety.

Higher Concentration: Meditation helps increase focus and attention span.

1) Emotional Health: Cultivating appreciation strengthens self-awareness and nurtures emotional health, by encouraging a more positive perspective.

Better Sleep: In turn, meditation can make you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep.

Pain management: May decrease perception of pain and increase physical functionality.

How to Meditate for Beginners YouTube

Meditating is simple and straightforward once you are new to it. The simplest of which is: – here is a step by step guide for you to initiate.

Step 1: Find a Quiet Space

Select a Quiet and Comfortable Place to Work where, you get disturbance. Even a cramped corner of a room will do.

Step 2: Set a Time

Begin with 5-10 minutes, short sessions and progress to longer ones as you become more comfortable. It is not that the longer you chant the better, it is that you chant daily at the very same time as consistently as possible.

Step 3: Get Comfortable

You should be sitting in a comfortable position If you are taking your shoes off, you may want to sit in a chair with both feet flat on the floor or cross-legged on a cushion. Your back is going to be straight but relaxed.

Step 4: Focus on Your Breath

Sit still and breathe deeply as you close your eyes. After that, just breathe and concentrate on the feeling of your breath going in and out through your nostrils. This will help… to stabilize your mind.

Step 5: Observe Your Thoughts

The most common obstacle that stops beginners from meditating, is thoughts which come in the way while meditating. When negative thoughts and feelings arise, be present to them instead of fighting with them, Think of your thoughts as clouds that float in the sky.

Step 6: Guide to meditation

Guided meditations are extremely useful for beginners. They come with instructions and can keep you on track And this is where YouTube comes in handy.

YouTube For Meditation

There are many guided meditations and meditation for beginners videos with Chatgpt Around expert advice that you can find on YouTube. Top YouTube Channels and Videos to get you started:

1. Headspace

Headspace is one of the top meditation apps and their YouTube channel is full of guided meditations and mindfulness tidbits. They make videos simple and easy to understand for beginners, where you can use a variety of techniques to master meditation practice.

2. The Honest Guys

The Honest Guys offer a good selection of guided meditations that differ in length from as little to 5 minutes to more than an hour. They have a soothing voice, with relaxing background music that sounds way too good for you to focus and relax.

3. Yoga with Adriene

Yoga with Adriene is mostly a yoga channel, but she does have some beginner-friendly meditation videos as well. For beginners: Adriene offers gentle guidance and an easy-access vibe in her videos.

4. Calm

YouTube Channel to support their popular app, providing free guided meditations and sleep stories. They aim to provide you with a relaxed mind, reduce the pressure of life and improve your sleep.

5. Tara Brach

One of the most popular meditation teachers, Tara Brach has hundreds of videos on her YouTube channel. Her guided meditations and talks offer profound mindfulness and compassion practices.

Top Tips for a Successful Meditation

Here are some things you should be aware of to get the most out of your meditation practice.

Consistent: Consistency is fundamental to building a meditation practice. Even 5 mins of meditation a day at the same time everyday is better than an hour once in a while.

Patience: Meditation is a skill, and like any skill it takes time. Do not be despaired if you get up in your mind Simply take softly your tension back on the breath and

Ritualise your session: Establish a pre-meditation ritual- this will communicate with your brain that it is time to calm down It might be lighting a candle or putting on some soft music or just taking three deep breaths of how to meditate for beginners YouTube. Be Open-Minded: Understand that not all techniques work for everyone. Play with different types of meditation – mindfulness, loving-kindness, body scan – to see what suits you best.

Technology: tools like Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer have taken the guesswork out of meditation by offering guided meditations as well as progress monitoring.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Style practice that beginners have trouble when trying to get into meditation. So here is how you can overcome some of the most common issues:

1. Restlessness

If you are just starting out, it is natural to experience restlessness during your meditations. For this reason, you should start with shorter sessions and work your way up to the length that seems right for you.

2. Sleepiness

If you’re feeling drowsy while meditating, try a different time of day or sit up a bit straighter. Also, no shame in keeping your eyes a crack.

3. Lack of Time

Find few minutes on even busy days and sit back for meditation. Keep in mind, it is less about how long and more about frequency. Mindfulness can also be incorporated into activities such as walking or eating.

4. Frustration

It can become frustrating if you think you are not getting it right. It is important to remember that there is no correct way to meditate . The idea is to simply notice what you are thinking about how to meditate for beginners YouTube, without giving it any meaning, and return your breathing.


Meditation is a practice that if you take it up can literally change your life Millions of people use YouTube to learn meditation on one platform. Following the steps that I pointed in this article and using all YouTube resources, you will have everything to start meditating constantly and feel good about it. The key thing to remember about the meditation progress is that it is a specific, unrepeatable for each person path. Take your time and have fun exploring spirituality and finding peace within.

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